ACU Executive Election
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New Trans-Canada speed Record
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The ACU would like to congratulate Dave Proctor on setting a new TransCanada speed record of 67 days 10 hours and 27 minutes
Canadian Records updates
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Once again despite all the turmoil in the world, Canadian Athletes always find a way to excel.
Here are the latest Canadian Records ratified in 2021.
W55 6:31:34 rl Beverley ANDERSON-ABBS, 55, CAN 02Feb2020 Sacramento, CA
W55 7:52:39 rl Barbara McLEOD, 55, ON 28Nov1992 Valley Stream NY
48 HRS
W Open 346.593 km TS 215m 362y, Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 18-26June2021 Milwaukee, WI
W Open 325.264 km TS 202m 193y, Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 16-18Nov2020 Duncan, BC
W 45 346.593 km TS 215m 362y, Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 18-26June2021 Milwaukee, WI
W 45 325.264 km TS 202m 193y, Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 16-18Nov2020 Duncan, BC
72 HRS
W Open 440.350 km TS 273m 733y, Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 18-26June2021 Milwaukee, WI
W Open 436.130 km rl 271m 0y, Marylou Corino, 35, ON 15-19May2014 Augusta, NJ
W 45 440.350 km TS 273m 733y, Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 18-26June2021 Milwaukee, WI
W 45 354.056 km rl 220m 0y, Lisa VAN WOLDE, 45, ON 16-19May2019 Augusta, NJ
New Canadian Records update
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Once again despite the Covid-19 Pandemic, Canadian Athletes always find a way to excel.
Here are the latest Canadian Records posted in 2021.
APRIL 2021
W50 70.953 km Ts Bernadette BENSON, 52, CAN 27Mar2021 Canberra, AUS
44m 155y Ts
W50 67.659 km Ts Bernadette BENSON, 50, CAN 16Jun2019 Campbelltown, AUS
42m 72y Ts
100 MILE
W45 15:24:23 Ts Viktoria BROWN, 45, ON 1May2021 Taylorsville, NC
W45 15:38:18 Ts Bernadette BENSON, 45, CAN 5-6Apr2014 Coburg, AUS
MAY 2021
50 KM
OPEN 2:48:32 rob Chris BALESTRINI, 29, CAN 21May2021 Hamilton, ON
OPEN 2:51:27 rl Calum NEFF, 36, CAN 17Jan2021 Houston, TX
50 KM
OPEN 3:22:24 rob Krista DUCHENE, 44, ON 21May2021 Hamilton, ON
OPEN 3:28:20 r Catrin JONES, 36, BC 4Dec2015 Doha, Qatar
National Teams Updates September 2021
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To all Athletes and members of the ultrarunning community.
With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic sutuation, a very limited number of venues have been available to qualify for the National Team or to compete in general.
We are now starting to see more events being able to go ahead with their annual schedule depanding on the advisory of their Provincial Health Organization.
We received numerous inquiries about the National Championships and the announcement went out a few months ago referring to the cancellation of all Championships for 2021.
The same announcement came from the International Association of Ultamarathon (IAU) stating that all World Championships were cancelled or posponed for 2021.
At the moment, if the Covid-19 situation gets under control, we might start getting back to some type of normal in 2022 but it will all depends on the Provincial, National and International Health Organizations guidance.
We understand the concerns about athletes looking at qualifying for the National Teams or maintaiming their current qualifications. Selection is based on registered performances set 2 years prior and up to 3 months before the current World Championships.
For 2022, we will be looking at 2020, 2021 and up to 3 months before the next World Championships. The limited venues available during that period is a knowed issue and we will be coming up with an announcement once the situation improves.
The main selection tool used for selection is the ACU Rankings list. A reminder that while we are trying to list every performances set by Canadians around the globe, it is up to each invividual to make sure their results are posted, especially for Canadians living or competing abroad.
If your results are not posted, please contact the ACU National Rankings Statistician.
The ACU Rankings list is up to date as of Jul 31st 2021. Despite the pandemic, Canadians posted 494 performances in 2020 and 1342 in 2021 so far.
Those recent results produced 11 new Canadian records in 2020-21 plus 2 more pending ratification.
Ultrarunners are very resilient individuals who always find a way to keep up their fitness level
Well done to all, stay healthy and be safe out there, we got this !!
National Team Manager
Transition to the new executive
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Dear members of the ultrarunning community,
the last 8 months have been a real test of our resiliency to overcome the hard situation everyone is experiencing but as ultrarunners always do, we did not let that stop us from enjoying our sport by keeping up with training on our own or hosting virtual challenges.
Despite the limited number of events hosted in 2020, so far 1043 performances across the globe from Canadians have been recorded on our Ranking List (see update 30 Sep). If anyone has participated in an event which is not listed, please contact us so we can update the list.
The last 8 months has also been a very busy time for the ACU as we went through the election process of a new executive committee to move our sport forward nationally and internationally.
As I am typing this announcement, the final transition to the new executive has been completed and they are ready to assume their new functions.
Ryne Melcher is taking the helm as your new President
Lee Smith as Vice-President and Adam Takacs as Secretary/Treasurer.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best and to thank the whole ultrarunning community for your tremendous support over my last 10 years as President of the ACU.
A special thanks goes to our Directors, Technical team members, Provincial Representatives, as well as Race Directors and members, for their outstanding work and support year after year.
As I step down, I am confident that the same cooperation and support will be continuing with the new executive members.
To help with the continuity of the organization, I will be moving to the new function of Technical advisor and keep the position of National Team Manager.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, our memberships has declined, a few new members and limited number of renewal have been processed. The ACU is your association and without your support it cannot exist so I encourage you to renew or join.
On this note, I wish you well, be safe and stay healthy, we got this...
Yours in Sport
ACU New executives announcement
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Dear members of the ultrarunning community,
The ACU has now completed the nominations process required to elect the new executive committee members.
The nominations received are as follows:
Ryne Melcher for President from Vancouver, British Columbia
Lee Smith for Vice-President from Edmonton, Alberta
No nominations received for the Secretary/Treasurer
As there is only 1 nomination for each of the position, Ryne and Lee are therefore elected by acclamation.
The Secretary position will be reposted in the near future.
The transition to the new executive will take place in the next couple of weeks.
"Congratulations to Ryne and Lee for their nominations and looking forward to their leadership"
Yours in sports
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